Rik Midgley Embodied IFS and NVC

About Rik, his history, his training and his passions.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a new compassionate approach to psychotherapy which involves acknowledging the aspects of ourselves which habitually show up, perhaps with an emotion or an energy, and finding an understanding for their underling purpose. It is a natural process, supported by Rik’s experience of working with the body.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC), also known as Compassionate Communication, is an awareness process focusing upon the relational, or what is alive when we speak and think both to ourselves and with others. By acknowledging the underling meaning and intension of our words and action, a bridge is lain between mind and body which leads to greater clarity and integrity. My somatic approach, which values the felt experience, supports a deep integrity beyond cultural influence.

A Crash Course in Psychotherapy A day’s introduction to some of the newly evolving tools of psychotherapy. Learn compassionate skills that with practice could increase self awareness, support being present and grounded, and help nurture different strategies to address stressful situations. Through understanding the mind and body, bring clarity of how some things that have happened to you in the past can impact your present emotional states and actions. Grow in acceptance of who you are and ownership of becoming who you want to be.

Our relationship to our body is foundational to our mental well-being and our resilience to stress. Our yearning to belong within modern hierarchical society invites conforming by demonising our emotions, and thus living habitually and robotically. In reclaiming our liberty and self-awareness, the journey of befriending our emotions is to understand our body’s language as being signals to inform us as to how our lives may be enriched. Every emotion is positive and beautiful. We are naturally kind by default. If you sense otherwise, in yourself or in others, then pain is present and compassion is called for. Read more in some of his essays on the resources page.

If you have a dissatisfaction or complaint, to see options of how to proceed CLICK HERE

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